About Magical Awakening

Magical Awakening is an energy modality sourced by Brett Bevell of Academy of Love and Light and is overseen by Merlin and Lady of the Lake. I took the first course in August of 2020 because the primary feel around it was play, and, of course, because it is Merlin and Lady of the Lake and I lived in Avalon. I just had to say “Yes!” It is similar to Reiki in that it can be sent remotely and can be sent to groups. It really surprised me I started to use it as I did. The reflections back on it are so powerful and consistent, I have continued to play with it.

I took the courses through Level 8, completing in January of 2022. Some of the tools we use in this modality are Dragon Fire, the Holy Grail, Arthur’s Crown, and the Enchantments from each of the four elements. I bring other tools into the sessions as well. It is organic and ever changing.

Currently, I offer group sessions on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. your time. There is no charge. Donations are always received with appreciation and can be made in either GBP or USD currency on the Payments tab. We do not meet physically. We do not meet on Zoom. We show up for the session in our own space. The session is intended to last 30 minutes. Some have experienced the energy being available after that time, so feel free to rest in it or play in it as long as you wish. Come with an intention to receive. It may be specific. It may be general. I suggest allowing yourself to just relax during this time, and notice what you notice.

You may choose to sleep while you are receiving it. You may set the intention to receive it at a different time on Saturday, if there is a better time for you. Again, play with it. Notice what you notice. It is also available, with or without the recording, for the whole week.

I record the energy of the session as I send it. I offer words where they wish to express. Some people have found it helpful to have words put around the experience. Yet, it is not necessary to listen to it to receive the offering. The above is the recording of a current session. 

The all embracing compassion, laughter and playfulness that Marybeth brings through her indeed “Magical Awakening” has helped me finally going through some of the darkest valleys of my life in ease and grace.

The solidity of her softnesses is palpable and was crucial for me to be able to trust to walk this path.

No expression can describe the transformation more than it was a “Magical Awakening”.

Petra Webstein 17th Jan 2022

Web designer, WorldWideWebstein.com