
Have been grateful beyond measure for all the insights, inspiration, expansion and evolution since our last conversation together.

Literally download after download and insight after insight has poured forth and especially when engaging with the various practices you suggested and offered… They have been utterly priceless.

I am in awe at the transformation and beauty, Grace, pace and perfection of unfolding as I take each step forward in trust and Love.

It has been an epic time yet I have maintained a thread and core of clarity, resolve and courage that is powerfully integrated and uplifting.

A different playing field indeed.

Kerry Ann 29th March 2024

I am pure delight when I rest in the awareness of this whole new way of being and truly want to honour you in the process of role modeling and inspiring me to walk in it.

Helena E. 7th March 2023

I’ve been receiving these sessions weekly for almost a year now and in the beginning I had many physical aches – in my hips and lower back and knees.  Today I am free of those pains 🙂

The sessions seems to have evolved as I have and to what I need and want in the session.

Amy B. 23rd June 2022

WOW! What a masterful piece off work. I am so happy to experience this! I have had a real break through today after this Magical Awakening Session and I feel finally back in my centre but in a more stable way. THANK YOU. I can access my experience and the way forward somehow through this energy. And I am learning a great deal through the energetic transmission – there is so much light information in it.

Emma 18th May 2022

I’m not sure how to say this, but you, Marybeth, most assuredly are a great sacred person of massive significance. With the way that you play, giggle and land love with such lightness and force, you most certainly have awakened The Heyoka in me. The playful teacher! The displayer of great dialects. Black Elk Speaks is a special book of mine. Black Elk was A GREAT Lakota Heyoka. I’m sure that you hold this lineage or were able to pass it to me. I’m not sure how all that works, but I’m deeply honored to realize this and to know this….and You!

Troy S. 22nd Feb 2022

I am so absolutely grateful for Marybeth’s seemingly endless capacity to give. She holds many forces and people. I am in complete awe how clearly she sees me, how gently she holds me and how much power and presence she dedicates and directs towards me. #Grateful

Troy S. 11th Feb 2022

The all embracing compassion, laughter and playfulness that Marybeth brings through her indeed “Magical Awakening” has helped me finally going through some of the darkest valleys of my life in ease and grace.

The solidity of her softnesses is palpable and was crucial for me to be able to trust to walk this path.

No expression can describe the transformation more than it was a “Magical Awakening”.

Petra Webstein 17th Jan 2022

Web designer, WorldWideWebstein.com

When I initially discussed what the Magical Awakening sessions may help me with, I felt that I really wanted to get rid of certain blocks in different areas of my life that I felt I have had for a long time.

While Marybeth was sending me the Awakening energy, I was relaxing but also thinking about being able to move forward without any obstacles.

Well, straight afterwards two really significant things happened to me……

I live in a terrace of four Edwardian cottages and, later that afternoon my neighbour knocked to say his drains were blocked, which meant all our drains would be affected as we share a main drain.  So, the plumber arrived with drain rods and unblocked all of our drains!

Then, that night, a big cyst that I have had on the top of my head for at least four years, which my Doctor kept saying it wasn’t ready to be lanced, suddenly burst and all the poison came out for the next five days!  Afterwards, a thought came to me which had never occurred to me before and that was that the position of the cyst was exactly where my crown chakra would be.

The top of my head is where I have always believed that spiritual energy initially enters my body and for years I have felt that I had a block between my higher levels, where I felt really well and balanced, but that all the positive spiritual energy wasn’t filtering down into my lower emotional, mental and physical levels for some reason.

In the past, a lot of other healers and teachers have worked with me in many different ways using many different alternative therapies to try and unblock me, but to no avail.

However, Marybeth’s Merlin Awakening has definitely shifted something for me, as I have had two instant confirmations on the physical level that it has worked and I am obviously excited to see what changes may happen next….

Thank you, thank you, dear Marybeth for your incredible healing and knowledge.

Helen 9th Jan 2022

Marybeth is a fulcrum, a leader, a channel, a visionary and a Divine Mystery.

She is unlike any other spiritual and magical teacher I have ever encountered.

Among her innate inner gifts are a courageous playfulness befitting the Zen-ist of Jedis, an unshakable faith and commitment to joy, and a mastery of a spiritual vibration we shall call Perfection Ease.

Through working with her, and taking her experiential workshops, I have discovered and accessed parts of myself that were locked away and I have felt new perspectives burst through worn and grey ideas.

My inner child dances in her presence and my magic aches to be put to better use after our sessions.

I whole-heartedly, clairvoyantly recommend her for souls old and new who seek a better world and better self, without suffering.

Victor R. 30th Nov 2021

Manager of Quality Assurance

I consider Marybeth an energetic alchemist. She has an ability to weave together threads of energy in a such a way that allows the mind to become expansive and new possibilities emerge. I have experienced again and again her ability to shift reality in an instant simply through her use of words. There is a magic that happens where she can take you from feeling blocked, stuck and trapped in a particular life situation, to empowered clear and joyful in just a matter of minutes. It is such an art! And all done with such kindness, love, generosity of heart and playful humour. She is an exceptional woman and trustworthy guide.

Fiona M. 28th Aug 2021