
Working With Timelines and Body Consciousness

What an interested combination of topics: timelines and body consciousness. The connecting theme is the mechanism of pulling one’s energy, or one’s consciousness, slightly up and back. It was brought to Rick’s attention that at the start of this channeling, he noticed a pulling back of energy, a focus, if you will, at a point moving slightly behind the head and slightly above the head in order to initiate the channeling process. We offer...

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Empowerment and the Ego

I would like to speak to you on empowerment. I wish to start off by giving you some background. I want to utilize the term ego. Of course, we need to look at definitions when we use terms because people have different understandings from such terms. One of the challenges at the level of the godhead is the issue that everything is one and everything is at an absolute state, an absolute state of perfection. The challenge then is to have an...

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Our Soul’s Growth and Money

Topic/Question: "I quit my job several months ago to be full time with Astrology and creative workshops etc. I was all guns blazing as the energy of the moment took the lead!!! I feel more on purpose doing work I love as clients come, but there is a real anxiety about money as it is running out. The money I keep getting from clients keeps me going but its not stable at the moment. "I feel like I'm stuck because the thought of getting another...

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I have been asked for a little more information around tetrahedron set-up and use. In response, I have added a page, Tetrahedron example, to our Explorations section. This particular exercise was one we did at a home we were renting. This work with tetrahedrons started back at the very beginning of our channeled sessions. It grew and expanded. We started in London, did some work at our properties in Thailand and Portugal. It was very...

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Tetrahedron example

And yet, my friends, to our topic! The purpose of creating these tetrahedrons has been to create a structure in which energy can be held, and thereby, maintained. In setting up an energetic structure and putting intention behind that, that it be created with persistency, and then setting certain energies in motion inside that tetrahedron, we can then leave a legacy of goodwill, a legacy of connectivity, such that those who may come into the...

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Using Polarization

You ask about energies which lead you to not completing on a particular possibility or item but find yourself putting it to one side. The word that you tend to use is procrastination. There is concern that if you make a decision too quickly that it may not be the right decision. And, referring to the earlier part of my conversation, my friend, I wish to set up to you this polarization. Let me give an example of how that might be applied in...

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How Do I Engage Further?

Question: Yes, I have a question. When we started this space, when we were asking the question, I did not have anything in my space. As we created this vortex and stepped into the question, I could see within me that I know how to manifest. I know how to step somebody into manifesting if they are ready to do it. I feel like I know how to point to places where they are holding back. I feel like my level of knowing has really shifted. I feel...

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How Do I Develop My Existing Business?

Question: How do I develop my existing business, my ability to reach more people with what I am doing? Answer: There are times when it is appropriate to simply be in a flow, where general intentions have been set and there is then an allowingness of the flow of life to carry one forward. And there are times when you may desire to deliberately engage this flow of life energy. Within this question, there is the particular topic or area in...

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Question on Other’s Energy

Question: There is a noticeable disturbance when other people are present, for example in our house. Is that something I need to pay attention to? And if so, in what way? Answer: Each individual carries a certain complexity of energy, of vortices of energy, which are fundamentally habitual, a habitual pattern. Not that it is unchangeable. Indeed, this is precisely what we are doing in the work. We are changing these energetic patterns. There...

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Question on Allergy

Question: From your point of view, what is the nature of what we call allergy? Answer: There are different levels from which this may be perceived. Let me offer a perspective. All perspectives carry a truth, and yet some perspectives are more workable, and therefore, more useful. Within that sense of allergy, there is, at the body consciousness level, a resistance connected to an experience within its domain. The body consciousness then...

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