We went to Cornwall this past weekend to feel into the energies there and to walk through a house that we could rent for 6 months. In some ways, it just felt like it would be a nice place to be for awhile. And it is England, so maybe it would not feel like we are away again. It is a time for bringing in creation now, not the busy-ness involved in traveling.
We stayed at a hotel on Mevagissey Bay. It was dark when we arrived, so we could not even see the water. We could hear it though. I still do not know what it was I felt there. I put words to it because that is what we do, but really it was just a feeling experience. I am not sure of the meaning or the levels of meaning within it.
We had dinner after we arrived, and I felt like that dinner, that space was very special, like it could have been an anniversary celebration. There was a feeling of magic, but I know that is not the right word for many. Maybe just “very special” works the best. I had the thought of being dressed up, even though I was not. I remembered the last time I was in Cornwall I had a vision as we were walking up to the entrance of Tintagel Castle where I was in a procession and wearing a long flowing gown. The feeling was similar.
When I tried to put more words to it later, I started with royalty. Then I moved to majesty, or majestic. And here, feeling into the experience, I noticed the boundaries were quite blurred. Yes, I felt majestic. But I did not feel like it was about me. I wondered if the clarity of the Earth’s majesty here in this land allowed me to just step into it and feel it as though it was me.
Then our plans to visit the grand-babies in Wales on the way home was canceled, so we had some additional time available there. We found ourselves looking at new homes for sale and starting to consider moving there. And everything fits, all aspects of our life. It brings so much of what we each want together. It offers a very different life choice, life style. And it feels so easy! Or should I say perfect? Maybe this is another example of this perfection and ease coming through very tangibly.
The land energies there are so very powerful to me. I found myself in tears a few times really just breathing in the beauty and allowing myself to feel living there. It has the consistent, mature, reliable energy of England. It feels stable and nourishing and comfortable. There is a purity and a clarity in the air. There is an expansiveness and dramatic beauty in the environment of sea and rocks. There is a peacefulness, a softness in the green countryside land and the farm areas with sheep or cows dotting the hills. I could just sit and feel my heart open. It is such an easy connection to Mother Earth. I knew my Soul even more deeply in those moments of opening. I do not often feel my Soul connection so tangibly. Probably I have never felt it that way before. And there is no must or should around this energy, or needing to be there. Before we thought about moving there, I could feel that what was opening for me would not close when we left the area. It was simply me.
We had done a channeled session about potentials in Cornwall before we chose to visit. And there was nothing really significant in what was shared. I thought about this as we were traveling around and it was opening to us the possibility of moving there, indefinitely, not just for 6 months. I understood Spirit in those moments and felt added appreciation for living the experience of it opening and unfolding. It seems like it would be like knowing the ending or knowing the final score and then watching the movie or the game if Spirit had shared with us earlier when we asked. But living these experiences, noticing the unfolding … this is joy. I hold a deep appreciation for Spirit and the way it works.
And then we were out on a coastal pathway hike. We found a bridge overlooking a bay, and decided to offer a channeled opportunity for Spirit to connect with us there. There must have been an underlying question to Spirit about advise, or a should we or shouldn’t we, or something along those lines. For Spirit shared that yes, we are always supported in anything we choose to do, and there is much or enhanced support in a choice to spend time in that area. But we already knew that by just being there these few days.
And then Spirit offered that if we decide that living there is what we want, then more energy would be put into creating opportunities and possibilities to choose from there. And I so got that. That is how I create too. I have watched myself do this very consciously for years now, and yet it is ever-refining and becoming more conscious to me. When I am working with others, in relationship with others, I hold back my creative juices, my direction of flow, until I know what they want. I do not want to create momentum around something that is not wanted. And I am happy to add to that which is wanted and is also in alignment with me. Using my power with my discernment is such joy. I understand me more today.
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