Landing in the new world

I woke today knowing I have landed fully in the new world. It is light in my space, as in subtle. I understand I need to further let go of everything I thought I knew, to be open to what is now possible for me. There is a different awareness. My thoughts are different...

Japan Experiences

In late September, I went out and walked the labyrinth. I felt power / energy as I asked for unlocking and opening with respect to this trip. Early in November, a friend referred to this trip as a pilgrimage for me. I could feel that. And, indeed, the Japan...


I leave for Japan in 4 days. This was one of those long-time-coming and all-of-a-sudden whirlwinds. There are two stories that have interwoven around this trip. Both revolve around a close friend, Amy. I was privileged to be on a phone call on September 21 that just...

Book of Life

The Book of Life on planet Earth, the Order of the Magi, ancient symbology energies are spiraling around once again. The Book of Life has many names. It is best known as the normal, everyday, playing deck of cards. Being hidden in plain sight as a children’s game is...