I see a lot in the answer I received.
In some ways, I see it is the same question as the initial question we had asked on behalf of another. Again, I see the breadth of what was provided in the original answer. There is much to play with in there, even though it was “just” a specific question for a specific person. In that way, I saw this as an example of the teaching that was delivered.
The reference to my own motivation was very powerful for me as well. How precise am I being in what I am creating? I had a beautiful pointer towards this about a year ago that inspired me to start to create more and more from what I want, not what others want and not what I want for others. Do I want to create well-being for my family? Or do I wish to have the experience of a successful and happy, growing and flourishing family around me?
I could feel this pointer towards how I was holding it. Like with being aware of not wanting to create from sadness, I can really start to understand the importance in the precision of how I am holding something, where I am creating from. And I am quite pleased that when I am missing the boat on something that I am able to see it in the resulting creation, that it is not what I wanted.
I understand that within my desire to bring in the next Golden Age (yes, I recognize not great words, but I don’t have better ones yet), I desire (and need) to create from precision. If I am creating from a desire to assist another, then I am bringing into my creation the need for others to require assistance. That is not what I really want. It reminded me of something I was told about three years ago. “This energy I hold taps into a potential for creation, an adjustment, a recreation in the physical. At slightly lesser levels, this is to engage healing energies. And at the more expansive levels, this becomes engaging simply creative energies.” At the time I heard this, I wondered why healing energies, in the way I asked, was considered a lesser level. Today I understand more.
I like that this desire to bring in the next Golden Age has not faded – even though I don’t like the words yet. I like I am seeing more how to actually do it. We had an offer land today here in Glastonbury to attend talks on the “Evolution of the Legend of King Arthur.” I feel like that is what we are doing – evolving the next legend.
I find this really interesting. These are subtle differences! You see them … or you don’t! 🙂