Completions is one of my favorite topics. Long ago, it was going to be the title of my second book. It is my goal to have my first book written in 2023. That will be exciting when I finally do it.

At the beginning of 2022, I recognized I was “strengthening the container”. This year I revamped my diet, my exercise, and started on HRT. I had a reminder of strengthening the container on my reMarkable all year. In November, I read the reminder again and recognized I am complete. I will continue strength training and eating right for me, lots of animal protein, but I am complete with the creation of it. It is now self-sustaining. I have crossed the line of creating it. And I can let go of the attention on it.

That was timing in perfection and ease. At the beginning of the year, I recognized I did not cook for myself when Rick was away. Yet in this physical move and this major change to my life, I have not missed a workout session and I have consistently cooked great food for myself. Now, there was not a moments’ hesitation. It is in place. I am complete with that piece.

I read recently that on the Solstice, December 21, we completed a decade of breaking old structures and patterns, bringing things to a completion. This next decade then focuses on bringing in the templates for a new world, a new age, heaven on earth. Sounds like what we are doing here and in Moment with Marybeth, right?

I consistently teach we are creating the new world by walking it in ourselves. I normally am referring to breaking old patterns, so this fits in that perspective offered. And I had pronounced experiences in December of bringing in the new in the same way, by walking it in ourselves.

The first, the foundation, is Love. Always feeling love, always feeling loved needs to be created. It is the way it “should be” yet has not been our experience. I am in. I am watching in my own experience the growing of love around me in a way I can really rely on it. I love this concept of holding hands as we walk through this transition. It is so important as we realize this transition is going to last a long time.

There were pieces coming in that stretched me a bit, honestly, on and off all month. I was sharing once in a Moments with Marybeth session, and I was stopped by a participant. She asked me to hear her. I did. She said, “I believe in you.”

Powerful words. I heard. I received. I acknowledged. And I allowed that to shift my space. I allowed my hand to be held as I pulled those pieces through into my walking around space. I felt so incredibly held physically by those I work and play with. Some were aware of their words and impact. Others reached out spontaneously in precise moments for me. I loved it. I love we get to walk it. To bring love into this world, to bring in the feeling of always being loved, we actually have to experience it ourselves, which means we need to be able to receive. We are bringing this love frequency into the cells of the body. It feels like such an expansive space.

There was another point during the month of December I was questioning where I am going. I had an experience with a friend that showed me. Deep breath. This is really opening. The mastery is opening. Trust my future. Trust what I am creating. I am being given big cheat sheets. If you know me at all, you know about my cheat sheets and how much I love them. I am always shown beforehand how to walk through something. So, there is more to walk through yet, but the responses back and the experiences are so consistent it makes it easy. I love the levels of perfection woven in at every step. Why I still question, well that is another story. Maybe I enjoy the experiences showing me over and over. This friend didn’t know she was coming to me for work, she was just guided to come see me. I loved the precision I stepped into. It was powerful space, and as I watched myself work, I saw being available to work with people is where I am going. And I heard the title – Great Mother.

I love the friends I have around me. They are uplifting. More often than not, when something happens, one of them will put a positive spin on it like what I would normally offer.

One of the participants of Moments with Marybeth was talking about noticing the intimacy of our Moments group, and when she has thought about inviting others, she has not done so because she just felt the timing wasn’t right. In missing two sessions in a row, and asking from curiosity, she felt my vibration changed and she needed to tap in at a higher level.

I had just gotten off a call where I heard myself say 2022 started the external changes and I created my foundation. 2023 is going to move me into the public. That just so fit with what she was saying. I could suggest to her that she was correct in the past that it was not the time to invite others. I had been creating my stability in the methodical way that I do. And the change she was feeling is the same as what I am starting to see.

All is really well in the world. I feel like everything is in place and I am just being so held and reminded and guided. Big external changes are coming.

It is really good to have journals! Of course, I have the Three of Clubs birth card, so that will always be true for me. It is so interesting to see the consistency in my thoughts and desires. Even when I question everything yet again, I come back to the same results.

I am having experiences where I get to practice getting out my head more. Just be present. Think less. I don’t know I have heard me say that to me before, or not in a long time. But yes, still hold the line of the past and the future. Let them open the present moment to hold the magic of creation.

Play in this no-mind space that is getting easier. Connect and play with the elementals from this space. Allow ideas to land. Allow thoughts to land. Bring them to the surface. Try them on or try them out. Yes, I am in.