Q: Requests from others, I don’t always want to do in the moment they come in. Sometimes I avoid it and just go do what I want to do.

A: Great, and how does it feel to consider weaving in the perfect timing for everybody in addition do doing what I know I want to do in the moment? I allow myself to not do something just because someone wants me to at that time, or I perceive they want it in that time. I do follow my flow. Yet I acknowledge the ask and I weave in the perfect timing for them when I am ready to work again. That is not going to be helpful for all. Some people really do need to just be able to say no to other’s needs. 

Yet here, we are weaving synchronicity in consciously. We are creating synchronicity. It is allowing oneself to do our efforting pieces when it is joyful for us, when the energy flow takes you through it. The synchronicity is weaving in for the other people involved that is lands, results, for them in perfect timing as well. It is starting to intentionally link the outcomes so that the give and receive are in synchronicity. You do not have to do anything differently. It just sets that dance in motion. 

Then notice if you get feedback, direct or indirect. 

I think we start to be masterful. We allow ourselves to go through these transitions, being aware of what is right for me. As we go through these transitions, there will be ‘no’s’ going forward as we stop doing things we no longer want to do. But a lot of what we have put into motion, we really do want to continue to do. Create mastery in everything we touch, in everything we do. Create a win-win for everybody included in what we are doing, what we are offering. For me, that is part of being successful. 

And on the flip side of that, as we are all transitioning together, we need to remember we are all in different places. Some people need to be reminded they are not in control and that it is okay that things didn’t happen when they thought it should be done. Then they have an experience and see that life still goes on and they can start to relax a little more. It is not about meeting people’s dysfunctional needs. It is really about helping all of us walk through this transition into the who we are becoming. 

That is how I do it anyway. I like the feel of that for me.