So much has happened in the last three months. I say that because I see the last time I wrote anything here was just over three months ago. There have been times I felt things that I wanted to share / saw it in my mind, but never got it “to paper”. Within the last two weeks, I sat down to write and had nothing to say, so I didn’t. Today, I feel the space is starting to open.
It is always significant for me when I speak to one of you and find you read my posts and gain something out of it for you. So, I shall continue to share for a while.
What I see today is that I had energy to write until up to the winter solstice. In this winter season, it is not that I have been “just” hibernating, but I do think much has been going on within. I find it interesting we are coming up on the spring equinox soon, and I feel enough energy behind me again to start to poke my head out and say hello to the world again.
And that much of a hello and check-in feels all that is appropriate for today.
Nice to see the Spring Flower re-emerging! With extended roots by the sounds of it. 🙂
Hey Woman!
Welcome Back! Most of the time putting the concepts down on paper does not adequately describe all that is going on…..and one will read and perceive through her eyes her own message. It is what is said between the lines or the sweetness of the vibration that is delivered. And you do that very well Dear Cousin….feeling the Love……. Looking forward to reuniting in the physical in July!
Thank you, Mary!! It is so nice to hear from you. And I appreciate your feedback very much! I do feel much when I read what you have written, so I do understand what you are saying. I am looking forward to seeing you also!! Yesterday was Sam Jr’s wedding 🙂 Did you hear? I don’t have words for it. What he has accomplished, what has changed in just over 12 months is really … well, I don’t know an appropriate word and I am too tired tonight to look for one. All is really good. Love you!