I love where I am playing. I love what I have created and how it reflects back to me everyday. I sometimes wish I had more time to write when thoughts come to me as so much, so deep, seems to be changing now. It feels profound. Yet I am often not by a computer when these visions land, and then life moves on.
Following on from the body consciousness teaching that came through, Rick and I decided to invite people wanting to play in such areas to join us more directly. We are trying out meeting once a fortnight and to invoke a channeled session as a group. The intent is to play where Rick and I are currently playing and to see if that has value also to others.
That is certainly not all that is going on in my life or in mine and Rick’s, but I will start to put those up as pages here. We are interested if these have any value to you.
The link to the first group session is 2018-11-15
Wishing each of you a very joy-filled magical Christmas season.
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