It has been a slightly odd one coming through. In some ways, one could say it is not yet in place because contracts are not signed. But energetically it is in place. We have found our new home and we will move in two weeks from today. Technically, we will only be signing a 6-month rental, but both Rick and I feel this is our new home. So the longer term will happen also.

This has been my priority. It really has not taken long to create. And it is really perfect. I wake up most mornings feeling like I am in the new home. Next week we head out to Portugal to pack up our furniture and household goods so we have something to move into the new home – part of the perfection of this opening.

I have watched a new energy in the last week. Or maybe it is an old energy that I am just now able to see. When I am in it, I see shifts to make. I see the importance (to me). But I have not been able to bring in words at all around this. It is a clearing. It is a restructuring of thoughts. It is a leap in awareness, not just a step. When I am in it, I see what is happening. I see it will change much for me.

I feel like this new home is a key. I feel like having an anchor point again is a key. As I look back, it has been a long time since I have really felt the desire to have a home, an anchor point. Long before I moved to England, I knew I needed to leave Grand Rapids, MI. I felt I would be traveling for a while. I had no idea how many years that would be.

Business is solid now, and growing steadily. It does not require much of my time any more. So much is in order. So much really works with ease. I see that I have much time to give. To what? What is it that I want? The astrology teacher I have has spoken about rewriting the myths. He speaks my language. I understand it, and I have spoken about this for many years. But what might that look like on a day-to-day basis. Can I use my time and my beingness to rewrite creation stories?

I have spent more time than usual with friends lately. It is fabulous to have friends to visit! And I felt like maybe that was not a great use of my time. And then I had someone say to me: Please do not underestimate the beautiful and inspiring impact that you have on others. I heard the statement. I recognized I do underestimate that. I do not give it any thought. I will guess I am not alone in this. Yet, in the manner in which this was spoken, I could feel the value in knowing that.

And I will leave you with an analogy today, some food for thought maybe. What if: what if you understood that this life is like playing on a soccer team, with Yeshua and Spirit as the entirety of the defense, and they were supplying you continually with the soccer ball to score lots of goals for them?

I will share some of my initial thoughts. I could hear my son in here, helping me with the understanding of how it felt to know someone really has your back. That is how I heard this defense. I cannot do anything wrong. I am fully covered, protected. I can rely on the defense to do their job. I don’t have to hold back. I can just go for it. There is a power in that – when I embody it. And yet again, the question comes back. What does it look like to score a goal? I thought about the friends I have spent time with recently. I thought of the possibility of them being inspired or empowered within our time together. And I heard the word: Score!! It is that simple sometimes. And felt an opportunity to high-five Yeshua. Maybe we can score a goal in whatever situation we find ourselves in.