Either the way I go about rewiring has changed, or my awareness of the process has changed. I am seeing new opportunities in playing in life.

For instance, where I have successfully learned to hold my own space regardless what is going on around me, I am now starting to see new potentials. I am not coming up with great words to express what I see is possible.

But that really is what I am seeing in this new rewiring. I see what I am reaching for. I see what is possible. But I do not yet physically (or mentally / spiritually) have access to using it. It is like the frequency band I have been playing in is great, but there is another one to reach for. And it is like I have to let go of the one I am in to reach for the new one. They do not overlap. It is not a simple step, nor does it seem to be a gradient step. It is more a letting go. And when I am in between bands, it is a bit uncomfortable really. I feel a bit irritated. And there is nothing to do with myself. It is like everything is just offline – except I am still here, awake and present.

And I do know more than ever what I am reaching for, so I have something to attune to in reaching for the new.